The Foo-Foo Mutts, our Shih-Tzu's as Dwight calls them, went to see the groomer today and as I expected when they came back they were half again the size they were when they left. By the time she finished peeling the hair from their bods they have skinny little butts and stick legs. And for once you could tell they were actually dogs and not dust mops. But she dresses them up pretty cute to make up for their nakedness. Both have colorful spring bandannas and Maggie has matching bows for her ears, which Sandy hot glues to some of their hair and it works pretty good for several weeks. Their faces have a Schnauzer cut with the short ears and bushy beard around the mouth and nose. But that's the only place they have hair left. They were so bad, as I said before, but it's been too cold to have it done before now. And truth be told, it probably wasn't a good idea to do it this soon but I figured it was much better than in January when they first really, really, needed it during the sub zero temps we were having. Now they just curl up in tiny balls and lay as close to one of us for body heat to keep them warm.
Dwight picked them up and was telling me later they got into the passenger side and curled up around each other until they looked like one big blob of dog. Their brown eyes were big as prize shooting marbles and proceeded to just stare at him all the way home. I'm sure he snickered and pointed at them for awhile. They must have felt humiliated, sort of like when you dream you go to school without your clothes.
It must be quite an ordeal to become beautified at the doggie parlor because once home, after a bathroom break, cool drink of water and something to eat they crash somewhere and saw logs. They snore too.
Dwight says we all snore.
In stereo.
But I've got news for him...he snores pretty darn loud himself!
And I need to wrap this entry up because two naked dogs are begging and pleading for me to take them to bed so they can crawl under covers to get warm. Man what wussies!