Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Oh, I've been around. So much was going on and the last thing I wanted to do was blog about it. Seemed like I didn't have much time to waste sitting at the computer and typing! My personal journals even went down the toilet long about, oh, uhm...let's see about April of 2008. That's when I started Beauty School. That's a long story, let's suffice it to say, it's over and done with now and I'm out. Yeah me! On the journal side of things, my kids are probably secretly relieved, this way they won't have so many to deal with when I'm dead. I mean, who wants to read the rantings of a dead woman???

Before that my father in law was sick with cancer, which I've written about and during that time my mom became ill with lung cancer. She didn't last as long as Harold did. She died in November of 2007 and then Harold followed in February of 2008. From those times it was a blur of hard work; cleaning out their homes and disbursing of things or storing, whichever needed to be done. Then selling Harold's house. God, I hate real estate people! Then I went right into school. So I guess you could say we still have all that going through belongings to deal with. Something needs to be done, I can't hardly move through my house, nor my garage.

Two more grandchildren came onto the scene. They're getting bigger. But getting through school was the biggie. It's done, it's over and guess what? I DIDN'T KILL MYSELF! Okay, this is a BIG DEAL, seriously! So half the testing is done. I've only got the written to go. Had the big test Monday, the hands-on one, the one that makes people want to throw up or throw themselves off the top of a building, whichever opportunity presents itself first, or maybe both. I didn't do either one.


I did drive myself a little bit more insane than I do on a regular basis. It's over. Hope I passed. I'd hate to have to take it again, although if I do, I know more of what to expect. Hopefully next time while demonstrating a haircut the clamp won't come loose, which holds my doll head, and send it rolling across the floor while I stand there stunned with scissors and comb in hand. Yes that DID HAPPEN!

What did I do you ask? I rolled my eyes and calmly retrieved my doll, like it happens all the time, re-clamped her and began cutting again. All I can say is thank God they make tranquilizers!

When it was all over I calmly walked out with my head held high, looking like I knew what I was doing, walked to my car, and called my instructor where I began to fall apart while I retold the entire story to her. Yes, it was the rantings of a mad woman. Of course, she's used to me.

THEN I went and bought earrings. Those always make me feel better. I guess it's turned into my own personal vice. Some people buy heroin, I buy earrings. Doesn't seem odd to me???

After I graduated on April 16th I read the entire Twilight series in about three days. Loved the books. Christine Feehan's novels are far more sexual but the Twilight series are for 12 and up, so no steamy sex, but good anyway.

Now we wait for test results and take another test.